Cannon Stats
Cannon Stats - The Analytics Podcast
Cannon Stats #18 - Too Much Control?

Cannon Stats #18 - Too Much Control?

The Podcast is back looking at what we can learn from Manchester City, Odegaard's shooting, and the striker pursuit

The CannonStats Podcast is back after a couple of weeks off to look at a slate of topics that is full considering that we are entering an international break.

Things that we can learn from the Manchester City match.

How the attack is functioning, is it too much control and not enough jazz, is the trade-off tilted too far towards defense over the attack, how much should we be worried?

Next, it is looking at Martin Odegaard and how his production is changing this season.

Last it is a look at the striker situation and the always evergreen topic of who Arsenal might be targeting in January.

Cannon Stats
Cannon Stats - The Analytics Podcast
Thoughts and analysis on Arsenal and the football (soccer) world at large.